let’s get to work
With a background in design and photography, I can make big ideas happen. I started as an Art Director, then sought out experiences to push my limits through web design, marketing strategy, and video editing and producing.
This business can be tough but I never lose sight of the goal and will always find a way to create the best content, ideas and designs. Then work hard to make it happen — it’s kind of my thing.
Fallon / Saatchi & Saatchi / Carmichael Lynch / Solve / Periscope / Campbell Mithun / Freelance: Barrie D’Rosario DiLorenzo / Martin Williams / Little & Co. / Griffen Archer / Haberman / Mirium / The Lacek Group / Morsekode / Yamamoto / etc.
Citi Bank / United Airlines / Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank / Harley Davidson / Porsche / Bentley Motors / General Mills / Post Cereals / Président Cheese / Syngenta / True Value Hardware / Optum Healthcare / Finnegans / MN Twins / 3M / FedEx / New York Stock Exchange / etc.
Dartmouth Book Award for Creative Writing / Work featured in the New York Times, The Addy’s, Clios, Cannes Short-list, The Show / Throughout my career I have been involved in 13 winning new business pitches / Former US Gymnast / Pro Figure Competitor / Yoga Instructor / Personal Trainer