Milking the Cash Register
53% of users were new to the brand (in two years after campaign launch)
9.5% increase in milk sales
37% increase in butter sales
16% increase in cream sales
Positioning effectively united the
1,800-member farmer co-op
Client Quote
“[The agency's] deep experience, understanding and respect for our brand made them an extremely valuable partner. They helped us distill our position, define our target and effectively spread our story to a broader audience.”
-Lewis Goldstein, Executive Marketing Director, Organic Valley
The night before this print shoot, I went down to the hotel bar for dinner and spotted a guy in a cow costume. The next day happened to be Halloween. So I paid the guys tab in exchange for the costume and showed up at the farm the next day dressed as a cow. Hilarity ensued. As did some very confused cows.
Just for fun
Social films created with more passion than budget.