What comes out depends on what goes in (duh, right?)
Organic Valley’s farmer-owners’ commitment to grazing their cows on nutritious, natural pasture grass means the company’s milk is as pure and untainted as possible. By “owning the pasture,” we set off to convince our new target what current Organic Valley loyalists already knew – the quality of Organic Valley’s dairy products is unmatched.
Milking the Cash Register
53% of users were new to the brand (in two years after campaign launch)
9.5% increase in milk sales
37% increase in butter sales
16% increase in cream sales
Positioning effectively united the
1,800-member farmer co-op
Client Quote
“[The agency's] deep experience, understanding and respect for our brand made them an extremely valuable partner. They helped us distill our position, define our target and effectively spread our story to a broader audience.”
-Lewis Goldstein, Executive Marketing Director, Organic Valley
Brand Film
Mud Pie :60 / All of the talent in this spot are real Orgainc Valley farmers
“Don’t ever take yourself too seriously.”
- My Dad
The night before this print shoot, I went down to the hotel bar for dinner and spotted a guy in a cow costume. The next day happened to be Halloween. So I paid the guys tab in exchange for the costume and showed up at the farm the next day dressed as a cow. Hilarity ensued. As did some very confused cows.
Just for fun
Social films created with more passion than budget.