cascadian farm


Bees are in trouble. And without bees, we’re all in trouble.

To help, Cascadian Farm Organic (General Mills) flower bombed a farm field in Davis California with over a million colorful, organic wildflower seedles. From, of all things, a crop duster. Once the seeds grow, they’ll provide necessary food for bees and other pollinators in the area.


Creating a Buzz

  • 8.9% sales increase across cereal products following campaign

  • Over 130,000 visits to site in first two months

  • Flower Bombing film garnered over 1.6 million views

  • Read The New York Times feature article about the campaign

  • Read the AdAge Editor’s Pick summary about the film

Client Quote

“We needed a big idea to magnify a small budget. [The agency] delivered the goods with a compelling, fresh solution that put our brand on the map. The agency’s passion, imagination and partnership are off the charts.”

-Taylor West, Marketing Manager, Cascadian Farm

Online film

Flower Bombing Film


website design

The Bee Friendlier microsite is a thorough resource with information on the importance of pollinators, why organic farming matters and the story behind the Flower Bombing film. Written like a long-form editorial piece that also includes video interviews with experts and supporting photography.

video content


Shoot once, edit 10 ways.

While on location we also captured content for an educational video series, photography library, social media content and long form interviews with experts on pollinator conservation for a topic-specific brand website.


Pollinator expert Jessa Kay Cruz & The Importance of Pollinators

Taylor West, Brand Manager Cascadian Farm, on bees and organic food

Making Seedles with Chris Burley

How to grow a bee friendlier yard

Photography library

social media


free seeds giveaway - Direct mail


